How does a pizza oven work?

How does a pizza oven work?

Using a pizza oven can seem like an artform, and in many ways it is, but by understanding how it works you can start to understand the best ways to cook your food and get the results you desire. The short answer How do wood-fired pizza ovens work? A simple explanation is that a fire …

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The best slow proof pizza dough recipe

Slow Proof Pizza Dough Recipe

If you’ve gone to the effort of owning your own pizza oven then it’s your duty to ensure the pizzas you’re cooking do it justice and that all starts with using the best ingredients. After that it’s all about using the best techniques and that starts with how you make your dough and we highly …

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Where Did Pizza Originate?

Where Did Pizza Originate?

When you hear “pizza”, you probably think “Italian”, right? But did pizza actually originate in Italy? Let’s find out… What is pizza really? Getting to the basics I think we can agree that pizza is round flatbread with other ingredients on top, and that simplicity is at the heart of why we love it so much. People have been …

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Do pizza ovens make better pizza?

Cooking in a commercial pizza oven

Yes. That’s the simple answer and the main reason is due to the maximum temperature a pizza oven can reach (930°F/500°C) compared to the normal oven you will have in a domestic kitchen (460°F/240°C). Did you know that in Naples, the birthplace of pizza, there is the Neapolitan Pizza Association, which say a true Neapolitan …

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